IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete discontinuities

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    The theoretical background is based on COMPATIBLE STRESS FIELD DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL CONCRETE
    (Kaufmann et al., 2020)

    Structural design of concrete discontinuities in IDEA StatiCa Detail

    General introduction for the structural design of concrete details
    Main assumptions and limitations
    Reinforcement structural design
    Finite element implementation in IDEA StatiCa Detail
       - Supports and load transmitting components
       - Load transfer at trimmed ends of beams
       - Geometric modification of cross-sections
       - Finite element types
       - Meshing
       - Solution method and load-control algorithm
       - Presentation of results
    Structural element verification in IDEA StatiCa Detail
    Verification of the structural concrete elements (EN)
       - Material models
       - Safety factors
       - Ultimate limit state analysis
       - Partially loaded areas (PLA)
       - Serviceability limit state analysis


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