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751 results

Partial Joint Penetration (PJP) groove welds

Autodesign of bolts in shear

Automatic weld sizing to ductility

Enhanced sketches in reports

Hooked anchors/L-bolts in AISC

Name of the feature (MAKE A COPY of the template - ("Duplicate - including content"))

Template application dialogue with sketches and parameters

Presentation of relevant curve results in detailed graphs in IDEA StatiCa Detail

Simple insertion of table inputs into IDEA StatiCa Detail

Manual control over the extension of members

Sliding option for a concrete foundation block

Execute plate cuts in parallel planes

Consistency in Connection and Member models

Limiting short lines in DXF imports

Unified Materials tab in Detail

Connection Browser renamed Connection Library

High-strength steel notifications

BimApi solution for AXIS VM 7, Robot Structural Analysis 2024

Load mapping algorithm for importing steel connections

Unified BimApi solution – Advance Steel, SAP2000, ETABS