Problemi risolti nelle patch IDEA StatiCa

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Qui troverai un elenco dei casi risolti segnalati dai nostri clienti. Non si tratta di un elenco esaustivo, ma di una sintesi dei principali problemi/bug risolti. Ci auguriamo che lo troviate utile.


    Version 22.1.6 hotfix

    Released Oct 17, 2023

    Patch Fix of Tekla BIM link issues.

    Version 21.1.9

    Released Oct 17, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 22.1.6

    Released Apr 27, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 21.1.8

    Released Apr 27, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 21.1.7

    Released Jan 05, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 21.1.6

    Released May 06, 2022

    We improved the way of reserving and releasing license seats in the license pool of your company. New dialogues make it easier to identify which seats are occupied/available. You can also easily define when your seat should return to the pool. Read more about how to Reserve/release seats from the license pool.

    Consequences of changes in the licensing system

    • Only version 21.1.6 can be started with version 22 on the same computer concurrently.
    • If you want to start an older version (20, 20.1, 21.0, 21.1) you need to first log out from IDEA StatiCa 21.1.6 or newer.