Solved incidents in IDEA StatiCa patches

Ez a cikk a következő nyelveken is elérhető
Here you will find a list of the resolved cases as reported by our customers. This is not an exhaustive list but a summary of the major issues/bugs that have been solved. We hope you find it useful.


    Version 22.1.6 hotfix

    Released Oct 17, 2023

    Patch Fix of Tekla BIM link issues.

    Version 21.1.9

    Released Oct 17, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 22.1.6

    Released Apr 27, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 21.1.8

    Released Apr 27, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 21.1.7

    Released Jan 05, 2023

    Licensing update.

    Version 21.1.6

    Released May 06, 2022

    We improved the way of reserving and releasing license seats in the license pool of your company. New dialogues make it easier to identify which seats are occupied/available. You can also easily define when your seat should return to the pool. Read more about how to Reserve/release seats from the license pool.

    Consequences of changes in the licensing system

    • Only version 21.1.6 can be started with version 22 on the same computer concurrently.
    • If you want to start an older version (20, 20.1, 21.0, 21.1) you need to first log out from IDEA StatiCa 21.1.6 or newer.

    Version 21.1.5

    Released Apr 5, 2022

    All applications 
    Case #Description
    00023344Fixed problem with opening older Member projects in version 21.
    00023933Fixed tensile stress area and bolt hole diameter for Australian bolt assembly M36 8.8.
    BIM links 
    Case #Description
    00022807Fixed appearance of error "of an unrecoverable error" in Checkbot after export from RSTAB
    00023128Fixed appearance of error "There is nothing selected in your application" in Checkbot after export from RFEM
    00023717New Consteel logo implemented
    Case #Description
    00021758Fixed incorrect angle value in the formula for concrete edge failure resistance acc. EN 1992-4 -
    00023018Corrected reduction factor in concrete sideface blowout resistance check in ACI 318 -14 - 17.4.4.
    00023061Tooltip for the concrete A_eff area back in the side scene.
    00023485Fixed problem with incorrect position of the plate when using operation Negative volume
    00023863Corrected description in Status field for Concrete block in the Brief report
    00023938Fixed problem with incorrect bolt size values in the report table
    Case #Description
    00023780Bugfix: Now it is possible to insert custom images in the 3D view from the gallery to the report.

    Version 21.1.4

    Released Feb 18, 2022

    All applications 
    Case #Description
    00022521Missing BS UB and UC sections added into the library
    BIM links 
    Case #Description
    00021896Wrong orientation of member exported from Robot Structural Analysis fixed
    00022208Checkbot could not be opened from Advance Steel in some cases
    00022389The issue with the synchronization between AxisVM and IDEA StatiCa Checkbot solved 
    00022454Tubular cross-sections could not be exported from STAAD.Pro
    00022712Issues with not importing some parts of the structure from RFEM to IDEA StatiCa via Checkbot were fixed
    00022837The issue with unavailable button Loads in Checkbot (Import from Robot) was solved
    00022878Issues with not importing some parts of the structure from RFEM to IDEA StatiCa via Checkbot were fixed
    00022902An issue with the crash when an opening  node in Checkbot, which was imported from RSTAB, was solved
    00022935TUBE section types in STAAD.Pro are now recognized and can be imported into IDEA Checkbot without causing an error
    00022958An issue with unavailable button Loads in Checkbot (Import from SAP2000) was solved
    00022976An issue with eccentricities export from RFEM into Checkbot was solved
    00022996An issue with wrong import of loads from RFEM (opposite sign) was solved

    An issue with the crash of the conversion table after RSTAB import was solved 
    Case #Description
    00021278The weld detailing check was corrected and improved for the maximum size of fillet weld in T – joints as per AISC 360-16, Chapter J, 2.2b
    00022239Corrected calculation of concentration factor kj corrected for base plates overhanging concrete blocks for concrete block compressive resistance check (EN 1993-1-8 6.2.5)
    00022580An issue with the correct geometry of the gusset plate for timber was solved
    00022702Stiffness diagram curve smoothened for low initial stiffness values in result details of stiffness analysis (ST)
    00022952The incorrect value of the hole diameter in the detailing check according to SP 16 was fixed. The software now automatically selects the correct diameter
    00023083Fix of the report in educational and trial license when using the Russian language
    Case #Description
    00022575A small gap between the walls. The check of the geometry tolerance is till 1e-5m. The calculation issue has been fixed
    00022553An issue with running the Checkbot application for users with the concrete license was fixed. Checkbot is now available in IDEA StatiCa Concrete Expert and Enhanced
    00022817An issue with running the Checkbot application for users with the concrete license was fixed. Checkbot is now available in IDEA StatiCa Concrete Expert and Enhanced

    Version 21.1.3

    Released Jan 14, 2022

    Case #Description
    00022187The discrepancy between the friction coefficient stated in the report chapter 3 and 4 was fixed
    BIM links 
    Case #Description
    00020445When using the BIM link between Midas Civil and IDEA StatiCa, results due to non-linear temperature are not imported to IDEA StatiCa. A nonconformity was added
    00020536An issue with the export of the trapezoidal beam from the IOM to Beam application was fixed
    00021459Robot Structural Analysis: Fix of wrong identification and rotation of the plate cross-section
    00021597The wrong description of exported material from RFEM was fixed
    00021612The Checkbot interface when deleting connections has been fixed
    00021625An issue with only critical combinations importing to the IDEA StatiCa Connection application was fixed. The software imports all of the combinations now
    00021626An issue with the length of some generated filenames was identified and resolved
    00021713If IDEA was already running SCIA would not export the connection - this is now fixed
    00021757An issue with certain geometrical arrangements of bolts in Tekla has been identified and fixed
    00021829An issue with incorrect direction of imported member in AxisVM fixed
    Case #Description
    00020974Fixed correct choosing of plates in Bearing resistance check under Eurocode for thin-walled complex connections
    00021262Fixed bug of displaying long result value of Concrete edge failure resistance check under Eurocode
    00021334The code-check of the stand-off anchors is not valid for concrete break-out. The asymmetrical bolt operation for heavy anchoring has been fixed
    00021360An issue with analysis when using the butt weld in the baseplate connection was fixed
    00021462Fixed wrong material properties for Tesion resistance check under Chinese code for modified bolts with higher strength
    00021504Fixed incorrect rotational stiffness
    00021550When creating a copy of an EPS project item and afterward switching to ST analysis type, the calculation might have been interrupted due to an overloaded member. Fixed by correcting the process of switching the load effects between EPS and ST analysis
    00021565A problem was identified with the resistance and stiffness of minor axis bending calculations which is now resolved
    00021583Corrected calculation of Mj,Rd for ST analysis changed incorrectly to lower values in patch 21.1.1
    00021594Automatic alignment of the stub with the connected member fixed
    00021676A discrepancy in stiffness analysis has been resolved for initial stiffness values
    00021677Incorrect description of distances between bolts was fixed
    00021799An issue with creating a report in Spanish when Formulas checked was fixed
    00021999An issue with creating report when Code settings checked was fixed
    00022011Fixed problem with applying Connection browser template to a similar node in Member. Topology and geometry matching improved, templates now also include the plate editor operations
    00022014Fixed incorrect result for Mz stiffness in ST analysis for symmetrical anchorings with symmetrical loads applied
    00022513An issue with incorrect results in bolts when wideners were used was fixed
    Case #Description
    00020753The initial state of the cross-section was taken from the ULS diagram instead of the SLS diagram for fatigue code-check. It's been fixed and the initial state of the cross-section for fatigues is coming out of the SLS diagram
    00021675The results of stiffnesses corresponding to quasi-permanent and characteristic combinations are now stated in the result tables in the IDEA StatiCa RSC app. Each combination contains various internal forces N, My, Mz, and critical moment
    00021769The blank report was fixed
    00021880The discrepancy between results for negative and positive settings of the reinforcement zones has been fixed
    00022016An issue with saving the edited cross-section in the RCS application was fixed
    00022240The discrepancy when creating a composite steel-concrete section in IDEA StatiCa RCS was fixed. Now it is not possible to add a steel profile when creating a general cross-section and importing it to IDEA StatiCa RCS

    Version 21.1.2

    Released 20-12-2021

    Case #Description
    00020200The application displayed an incorrect value of maximal compressive stress. Fixed.
    00020345The precision of iteration was increased for RCS application and also for bridge load rating analysis. 
    00020639The report of bridge load rating was fixed for selected design groups in IDEA StatiCa BIM.
    00020724The trouble with the Support button in the Italian language. Fixed.
    BIM links 
    Case #Description
    00020755Error message after import of a node from RFEM corrected
    00020884Incorrect import of members and loads from RFEM fixed
    00020924Incorrect behavior of the button Loads  in Checkbot fixed
    00020978Synchronization of members merged in Checkbot with original different cross-sections produced an error. Members must have the same cross-section in the 3rd party model unless they can not be synchronized after merging in Checkbot.
    00021065Disappearing of members in Checkbot's 3D scene when importing from Robot fixed
    00021104Loading the correct number of load cases from Checkbot into Connection fixed
    00021389Fix of problem with a crash when exporting a node from SCIA Engineer 21.1 to the Checkbot.
    00021422Import from Advance Design stops at 80 % fixed
    Case #Description
    00020547Incorrect settings of tensile material diagram for Russian prestressed bolts fixed
    00020633Selection of user-defined materials properties under Indian Standard (IS) fixed. Weld checks specifics as per Eurocode (EN) and Indian Standard (IS)
    00020705Incorrect equilibrium computation from loads applied on import from Tekla Structures fixed
    00020821Fix of a cut by negative volume operation which caused issues with condensed elements
    00020831Fix of a cut by negative volume operation which caused issues with condensed elements
    00020853Code-check of shear for a shear lug under LRFD 2010 fixed.
    00020860Incorrect view of stiffening plate in the Viewer fixed
    00020906Bolts grade was added to the "Grade" column of the check table
    00020976Prolongation of the member after the last operation in the widener fixed
    00021023Selection of user-defined materials properties under Eurocode (EN) fixed. Weld checks specifics as per Eurocode (EN) and Indian Standard (IS)
    00021288Singularities due to unconnected connection parts are now displayed in the scene.
    Case #Description
    00020593The problem with the solver was fixed.
    00020816The problem with the solver was fixed.
    00020882The problem with the solver was fixed.
    00020971The problem with the solver was fixed.
    00021004 Error message with a mesh size of 2mm fixed
    00021010The problem with the solver was fixed.
    00021145The problem with the solver was fixed.
    Case #Description
    00020671Some member models from older versions can not be calculated in version 21.1. The design of the connection needs to be re-applied or updated (e.g. change the edge number of the welded plate to match the correct position).
    00020923Very short line loads (point forces) applied on related members fixed to be taken into account.
    00021189Disappearing of displacement input for GMNA analysis fixed
    Case #Description
    00019865Incorrect display of detailing results in the result summary fixed. 
    00020667Incorrect title in RCS "Stirrups material" replaced for "Material".
    00021460Troubles with "Cross-section user setting" in "Reinforcement editor" in the Polish language were fixed
    Case #Description
    00020516Incorrect export of cross-section to DWG fixed
    00020682Incorrect view of cuts and welds in the Viewer fixed

    Version 21.1.1

    Released Nov 11, 2021

    BIM links 
    Case #Description
    00019813Robot Structural Analysis: Potential issue of some nodes not being exported fixed.
    00019835When AISC was selected for BIM link imports, ASD 2016 code was set automatically by default. LRFD or ASD code can be now chosen and set.
    00020266Incorrect import of double angle cross-section caused an error. This has been fixed.
    Case #Description
    00019421Fixed Protocol not displayed.
    00019430Errors found during the creation of a report have been fixed.
    00019700Multiple base plate anchoring models are now recognized correctly for compression contacts.
    00019790Parameter Ry for AISC steel had the wrong value - this is now fixed.
    00019959Content menu in a 3D scene connected to foundation block (stand-off) caused an error.
    00020019Results disappear immediately after the analysis has been fixed.
    00020095The axial stiffness reaches a negative value. The consideration of LCS was neglected.  Now fixed.
    00020101An issue when inserting a hole into a stiffening plate flattens the plate and distorts the results has been fixed.
    00020140Previously deleted pictures of results are no longer displayed in the report.
    00020283An added weld no longer disproportionately lengthens the member.
    00020347Older drivers of an integrated graphic card Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics causes the report to not scroll has been identified.
    00020364Wrong coefficient listed in the text of ACI anchor check formula. Now fixed.
    00020427Minor corrections within the reporting module.
    Case #Description
    00020178The refreshing and rewriting of the load cases with the same name addressing. It leads to incorrect load effects. Fixed.
    Case #Description
    00019405Changes done on already designed connections were not saved in the Member project.  These are now saved.
    00019985Legend for strain level in the 3D window was missing.  Now visible.
    00020316Problems with operations on thin-walled 'C' cross-section.  Fixed.
    00020795The buckling shape was frozen during switching between load cases (the buckling shape was working for the first load case only).  Now works for all load cases.
    Case #Description
    00019770Cold-formed sections can not be welded to make a user-defined cross-section. A new warning was added to use rolled sections instead.
    Case #Description
    00021013The wrong cut of the member was identified and fixed.

    Version 21.1.0

    Released Sep 20, 2021

    BIM links 
    Case #Description
    00017883A detailed report in IDEA StatiCa BIM was not exported to a DOC file.  Corrected.
    00018455Internal forces imported from RSTAB had the opposite direction.  Now fixed.
    00018457Improvements of Dlubal RFEM link  resulting in greater stability. 
    00018766An issue where some members were incorrectly defined as continuous after import from Tekla has been identified and corrected.  
    00019652Axis VM: Double angle cross-section was not recognized and all imports finished with an error.  Corrected.
    00019703Dlubal RFEM import error "The server was unable to process your request due to an internal error" was fixed.
    Case #Description
    00017521The alignment of the stiffening member is now being applied correctly.
    00018618The Operation - Negative volume might cause disintegration of the member.  Issue fixed.
    00019060Correction of the problem where a rod welded into a connecting plate caused a singularity of the model.
    00019099Hatched area of contact stress under a base plate now exports to DXF correctly.
    00019283Cut of tubular members might cause the error: "Err - nasread: Error while parsing". Mesh generator has been fixed.
    00019557An issue with the input of pictures from the gallery into the report might cause a crash of the application has been fixed.
    00019581Manufacturing operation Fin plate might cause singularity of the model. This problem occurred when notch > 0 and the angle of the beam is -180° has been identified and fixed.
    --Calculation of shear capacity of preloaded bolts with slotted holes was modified. Values of reduction factor ks according to EN 1993-1-8 Table 3.6, section 3.9.1 were applied.
    --Improvement of the stiffness analysis - the ratio of applied loads (N, Vy, Vz, Mx, My, Mz) is perfectly proportional now. To learn more check the paragraph "How are the loads applied?" in the related theoretical background document "Stiffness analysis and deformation capacity
    Case #Description
    00018254Change of member profile was not applied to related connections automatically in some cases.
    00019240Linear buckling analysis was not finished when the model contained an anchor with a gap.
    00019317Correction of the problem where the direction of some imported members was not set correctly.
    Case #Description
    00009859Correction of the problem where some parts of the connections were not exported into DWG file.
    00018367Operation STUB was not displayed correctly.
    00019910Members were not being displayed correctly in the case of extension by cut operation.