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Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet

National code

Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet


1367 találat

Code-check of steel plates (AISC)

Steel joint classification (AISC)

Code-check of concrete blocks (AISC)

Capacity design (AISC)

Code-check of bolts and preloaded bolts (AISC)

T-stub - prying forces

Splice connections of I-beam flanges (AISC)

Slip-critical connection (AISC)

Sketches model view in an example workflow engineer-detailer

Singularities and error messages

Single plate shear connection (AISC)

Shear block resistance

Export of editable connections from Checkbot

Syncing of solved connection models

Sync all vs. Sync current item

Model management improved, right-click actions and point loads in Member

Up to 4-times faster CSFM solver

Add or merge nodes of connections and members in Checkbot

Auto-calculation of short-term losses for post-tensioned tendons

Auto-calculation of self-weight of discontinuity regions

A wider range of 3rd party applications