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Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet

National code

Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet


92 találat

Csavarok automatikus tervezése nyíróban

Kampós horgonyok/L-csavarok az AISC-ben

How to set position of bolts

Bolted plate to plate connection design (AISC)

How to define correct load position (Forces in)

Prying and high tension force in bolts

How to model a single bolt connection (Model type)

CBFEM - how it works, code compliance, validation and verification

Verification of IDEA StatiCa calculations for steel connection design (AISC)

Brace Connection at beam-column connection in a braced frame (AISC)

T-stub connections (AISC)

Single Plate Shear Connections (AISC)

Extended End-Plate Moment Connections (AISC)

Bracket Plate Connections (AISC)

Brace Connection at beam-column connection in a braced frame – Double Angle Brace (AISC)

Bolted Wide Flange Splice Connections (AISC)

Temporary Splice Connection (AISC)

Bolt bearing distances for Eurocode

Warnings for welds and bolts connecting the same plates

Filler plate (packing plate) recognition

Welds & Bolts in IDEA StatiCa (AISC)