Summer Series - Workflows for preloaded bolts

    Datum webináře:

  • 2020-07-08T00:00:00.0000000Z

Obsah webináře

  • Pre-tension bolts definition in IDEA StatiCa Connection
  • ULS and SLS checks of preloaded bolts
  • European standard approach for bolted connection categories


Vít Hurčík
Vít Hurčík Produktový inženýr
IDEA StatiCa
Preloaded bolts are a common way to connect steel members. Preloading offers advantages that help to adjust the design - higher stiffness, higher slip resistance, better fatigue performance, and more. On the other hand, it brings higher demands for code-check procedures.

Join our Summer Series webinar and find out how to deal with the pre-tensioned bolts smoothly in IDEA StatiCa Connection.

Example 1 – splice connection

Code-checks according to the rules for the B category of bolted connection – slip resistance at the serviceability state.

Example 2 – Bracing joint

Code-check according to the rules for the C category of bolted connection – slip resistance at the ultimate state.

On Wednesday, July 8, 2020, we run two same sessions: the first at 11:00 CEST (Prague time, UTC+1), followed by another one at 12:00 PM EDT (New York time, UTC-5). Register below and join the session that fits your day.