How IDEA StatiCa works with your other software? - US

    Datum webináře:

  • 2022-09-21T16:00:00.0000000Z

Obsah webináře

  • How to integrate IDEA StatiCa in other software
  • Checkbot application 
  • Importing models from other software
  • Q&A


Lukáš Juříček
Lukáš Juříček Produktový inženýr
IDEA StatiCa
David Eckrote
David Eckrote Director
Yann Gueguen
Yann Gueguen Regional Sales Engineer
In this webinar the process of linking different software with IDEA StatiCa connection through Checkbot will be demonstrated.

The session will cover how to bring models or connections from different applications through Checkbot (BIM links), which is our main application to connect other software to IDEA StatiCa, where you can also control loads, model updates, and all the project connections. 

Also, we will show you what you need to do in other applications to call Checkbot from the main interface.  Finally, a Q&A session is planned for this webinar. 

Presentation PDF

Webinar recording