Design and code check of a joint from Jakarta velodrome

    Datum webináře:

  • 2018-02-27T00:00:00.0000000Z

Obsah webináře

  • How to quickly use IDEA StatiCa to design and check steel connections
  • How to model your joint efficiently
  • Avoiding modeling mistakes from user examples
  • How to deliver clear results for verification


Vít Hurčík
Vít Hurčík Produktový inženýr
IDEA StatiCa
Alexander Szotkowski
Alexander Szotkowski Produktový inženýr
IDEA StatiCa
We want to invite you to the steel webinar IDEA StatiCa Connection. In a view of the fact that still is a beginning of the year 2018, we decided to start our steel webinar sessions with a simple but effectively designed joint of the steel roof from Jakarta velodrome.

Webinar agenda:

  • Tubular joint – design and code check, the input of the bolt groups by several methods
  • Stiffness analysis – tips for the definition of input values, member lengths, loads and calculation parameters

In the webinar, we will show you how to create a model of the complicated joints and how to perform the code check for stress-strain analysis, secondly with the evaluation of the stiffness analysis.

Webinar recording