Simple and Advanced Models for Connection Design in Steel Structures

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The paper refers to current development in the design of structural steel and steel and concrete composite connections. The internal part of the design procedure is validation and verification including its hierarchy.

Today practice is preferring analytical models that are based on the good quality of prediction for standardized structural solutions. For a description of full behavior were analytical models equipped by prediction of stiffness and deformation capacity, which is called Component method. This paper introduces the next step of design using the finite element method for distribution of internal forces and components to analyze connectors itself, Component-based finite element method. The material is modeled on design level as bilinear. The internal forces in connection is an analyzed procedure by shell elements with adequately accurate meshing. The proper behavior of components is treated by introducing its behavior in terms of initial stiffness, ultimate resistance, and deformation capacity. The internal part of this design procedure is validation and verification including its hierarchy.

The work was published in 2015 by the team of prof. F. Wald, M. Kurejkova, L. Godrich, M. Kocka, K. Martinek, J. Kabelac & L. Sabatka from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of steel and timber structures. 


The work was prepared under the R&D project MERLION supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project No. TA02010159.

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