Boundary conditions

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The definition of boundary conditions is one of the most difficult tasks for modeling in any software. IDEA StatiCa Member works with part of your structure which is “cut-off” from your global 3D FEA model. Therefore, program lets the definition of boundary conditions on a judgement of a structural engineer.

In IDEA StatiCa Member you can define boundary conditions at the ends of related members. Application offers to input:

a) Supports – definition of supports should correspond to your 3D FEA model

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b) End forces on related members – correspond to internal forces calculated in the standard 3D FEA program

• it is not possible to input only End forces on related members without using supports. A more precise model (e.g. local eccentricities of members, real lengths of members are taken into account ) is used. Thus the imposed imperfections for the GMNIA analysis cause that the equilibrium is not preseved and mechanism may therefore be defined.

• Reasonable supporting based on structural engineer judgement is recommended.

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c) Supports + End forces on related members – minimal reasonable supporting based on structural engineer judgement + add internal forces from your 3D FEA program.

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