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79 výsledků

Stěna s otvorem ve fasádě a konzolou

Unit test: Shear tests in beams with low amounts of stirrups

Unit test: Simple bending test on cantilevers

Unit test: Anchoring

Cantilever wall-type bridge piers

Four-point bending tests on T-beams

Concrete pier caps

Shear tests in beams with low amounts of stirrups

Jak vymodelovat kompletní nosník s náběhy a otvory v aplikaci IDEA StatiCa Detail

How to input the strength reduction factor according to ACI

How edit geometry in Detail

Jak definovat obecný průřez z DXF souboru?

Reinforcement for 2D elements

Topology optimization

Nelineární dotvarování v aplikaci Beam

Concrete transfer beams and walking columns: model, analysis and design.

Reinforcement in Detail - Concrete frame corners under bending moments

Bridges – Pier cap design

Design and code check of a pylon and indirectly supported corbel