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65 výsledků

Šrouby jsou příliš blízko k okraji desky

Plech importovaný z DXF a chyba "Mesh generation error"

Styl zobrazení modelu – Řez

Verification of IDEA StatiCa calculations for steel connection design (AISC)

T-stub connections (AISC)

Beam-over-column Connections (AISC)

Buckling analysis according to AISC

Grasshopper API link - how to import general plates and beams

Block Shear Rupture in Bolted Connections (AISC)

Bearing Stiffeners (AISC)

Structural steel connection design for tensile rupture by advanced inelastic analysis (AISC)

Steel connection material model

Shell elements – benchmark studies

Web in transverse compression

Strength analysis of steel joints

Plate model and mesh convergence

Code-check of steel plates according to Canadian standards

Code-check of steel plates (AISC)

Single plate shear connection (AISC)