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86 výsledků

Kontakty v midas FEA NX+

Materiálové modely v midas FEA NX

Design of a continuous composite bridge

Concrete Member BETA

Concrete damage model

Theoretical background for IDEA StatiCa Detail

Horizontal beam-column-brace gusset (AISC)

Grasshopper API link - how to import general plates and beams

Zatížení v IDEA StatiCa Detail - Témata pro pokročilé uživatele

Seřazení položek v databázi průřezů dle zvoleného regionu

Jak změnit tvar plechu pomocí editoru plechů

How to input axial stiffness of the line support in the vertical direction Z

Parametric templates

Opening in a member with manufacturing operation

Notched member connection of a continuous circular member

Modeling in IDEA StatiCa Member

Mitre cut for connecting members and stiffening members

Member length

Linear Buckling analysis for steel connection design

Concrete transfer beams and walking columns: model, analysis and design.