IMPORTANT! – Introducing the new licensing system – December 2023

As of December 8, 2023, we are delighted to introduce our new in-house licensing system. The new system will bring up some major improvements in how the licensing of IDEA StatiCa products works.

During the spring of 2020, upon unveiling version 20.0, we launched a new licensing system for both our desktop and cloud applications. Regrettably, the service provider for our licensing solution fell short of their initial service commitments, resulting in occasional malfunctions of licenses that did not align with our anticipated or requested functionality. Such discrepancies are unacceptable to us, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you might have experienced so far. 

To avoid further problems, we have decided to build up our own brand-new licensing system. 

As of December 8, 2023, we are introducing our new in-house licensing system based on AWS Cognito. It has been operational alongside the old system for several months already, and we will be discontinuing the old licensing system on the mentioned date.

Why do we change the system? 

To begin, the upgraded system brings in a notably more robust, stable, and secure environment. Key improvements include:

  1. Enhanced security: The implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), password complexity options, and additional security measures contribute to an increased level of protection.
  2. Scalability and robustness: Ready for substantial growth of license users and operations, particularly with Enterprise licenses, the system demonstrates heightened scalability and robust performance.
  3. Faster and reliable authentication: Experience faster and more dependable authentication processes for our applications, seamless seat releases, and many more.
  4. Improved license management: The new licensing system facilitates advanced license management capabilities, allowing us to develop features such as single sign-on that would further enhance user convenience.
  5. Structured product analytics: With the implementation of the new system, we can offer more insightful and actionable data regarding licenses and their users, enabling informed decision-making. In the near future, these data will be available in our User Portal

What does it mean to you?

Because the new licensing system has run along the current one for some time already, we have prepared the switch to happen as smoothly as possible. 

The change of the licensing system DOES NOT AFFECT YOU as long as you have the latest patches of the respective versions installed. Please ensure that you check your installations and download the most recent setups.

All the changes in IDEA StatiCa between versions are explained in this article

Practically speaking, if you have purchased a subscription or perpetual license with paid maintenance, just ensure you are running on the latest versions and patches of the software mentioned above. 

If you purchased our products without maintenance in 2021 and later, please update to the latest patch of your version as soon as possible. We would especially like to mention that for users of version 21 (21.0 and 21.1), it is essential to update to the latest patch 21.1.9 to avoid the risk of running projects on an unsupported patch. The update within the version is free

Continue reading if in case you are using older versions of our software than version 21.0. 

Important message for users of version 20.1 and older

The new licensing system no longer supports IDEA StatiCa versions 20.1 and older. That means you cannot launch these versions after December 8, 2023

The same condition is also valid for users of version 21.0 and 21.1 in case they are not running on the latest patch. 

If you still have ongoing projects in version 20 and older, kindly migrate them to the newer version as soon as possible. If you are struggling with the migration, send us a support ticket via our User Portal. Our team of product engineers is here to support you.

Overview of the change

As of December 8, 2023, we are introducing a new in-house licensing system, replacing the previous one operated by a third-party provider. The new system enhances security, scalability, and authentication speed. Users of versions 21.0 and higher will not be affected by the change in case they have updated the software with the latest patch of their available version. 

Users of version 20.1 and older will be fully supported to update the software. We would like to remind you kindly to migrate projects created on the old version as soon as possible.

Download the latest patches