Reinforcement in Detail - Frame corner with bending moment

    Webinar datum:

  • 2024-04-17T09:00:00.0000000Z
    (in uw lokale tijd, 24-uurs formaat)

Volg het webinar en leer meer over

  • Modelling in Detail application
  • Concrete frame corners with closing or opening moments
  • Reinforcement detailing
  • CSFM calculation and code-checks


Irca Schepers
Irca Schepers Consultant
Sebastiaan van Hassel
Sebastiaan van Hassel Product Engineer
The detailing of reinforcement in concrete structures requires both theoretical and practical knowledge. What appears to be the best solution in terms of moment capacity is not always the most practical solution.

With IDEA StatiCa Detail, it is possible to model reinforcement accurately and visualize it in 3D. This gives engineers a better understanding of reinforcement positioning and possible clashes. Moreover, the Detail application allows engineers to calculate and code-check concrete D-regions. As a result, engineers can choose the most optimal design based on theoretical and practical insights.

Concrete frame corner with bending moment

Through an example of a concrete frame corner, we will demonstrate the possibilities with the IDEA StatiCa Detail application. In the webinar, we will model a frame joint, analyze the results and explore different reinforcement configurations for situations with a closing or opening moment.

A corner joint not only targets a column-beam connection, but has other applications in which the same principle is applied. Consider the following examples.

In practice and in accordance with the informative detailing rules in the Eurocode, a distinction is made between frame corners loaded with closing and opening moments. The moment resistance of a concrete frame joint depends on the detailing of the reinforcement, which is essential for achieving the required load-bearing capacity and ensuring ductile failure behavior.

Reinforcement detailing requires a customized approach depending on the load type, geometry, and failure mechanism.

In the webinar, we will elaborate on these topics and demonstrate how IDEA StatiCa Detail can help you make the right decisions. 

By using the CSFM (Compatible Stress Field Method), discontinuity regions can be easily and accurately calculated with IDEA StatiCa Detail. Strut-and-Tie models are still commonly used to calculate and check concrete D-regions. However, its application is time-consuming and laborious, as it requires iterations and multiple load cases to be taken into account. Moreover, this method is not suitable for checking serviceability criteria (deformations, crack widths, etc.). Using IDEA StatiCa Detail, you can perform all the necessary verifications, both for the ULS and the SLS.

IDEA StatiCa Detail en Strut-and-Tie model


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