Theoretical backgrounds



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National code

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37 resultaten

Knikberekening volgens de Eurocode

Controle van bouten en voorgespannen bouten volgens de Eurocode

Controle van de ankers volgens de Eurocode

IDEA StatiCa Member Theoretical background

Vermoeiings berekeningstype

Norm controle van platen volgens de Eurocode

IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete 3D discontinuities (BETA)

Catalog of AISC limit states and design requirements

Catalog of limit states (AISC)

Shell elements – benchmark studies

Check of steel connection components (HKG)

Check of steel connection components (GB)

IDEA StatiCa RCS – Structural design of 2D concrete members

Check of steel connection components (SP)

Theoretical background - Detail

Theoretical background