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1007 resultaten

Export beam geometry to IDEA StatiCa Detail

Equivalent load due to prestress and prestressing losses

Do I have to be a FEM expert to use IDEA StatiCa Steel?

Double angle cleat connection

Detailing of bolts and welds according to Hong Kong Code

Design of a continuous composite bridge

Deep understanding of EC weld results

Creep coefficient in IDEA StatiCa Detail

Credibility and Verifications

Crack width

Connected member is overloaded

Code-check of concrete block according to Indian standards

Code-check of concrete block according to Hong Kong Code

Concrete cone breakout code-check

Complex stub for a diagonal connection

Classification according to stiffness for Indian standard

Classification according to stiffness for Hong Kong Code

Check of the cross-section by Response N-M-M?

Concrete cone area drawing export to DWG

Managing the Code setup

Prequalified joints for seismic applications