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Meer tonen Minder tonen


772 resultaten

Export load cases or combinations to IDEA StatiCa Detail

Export beam geometry to IDEA StatiCa Detail

Equivalent load due to prestress and prestressing losses

Do I have to be a FEM expert to use IDEA StatiCa Steel?

Design of a continuous composite bridge

Deep understanding of EC weld results

Creep coefficient in IDEA StatiCa Detail

Credibility and Verifications

Crack width

Connected member is overloaded

Concrete cone breakout code-check

Complex stub for a diagonal connection

Check of the cross-section by Response N-M-M?

Concrete cone area drawing export to DWG

Managing the Code setup

Prequalified joints for seismic applications

Rectangular hollow sections

Plate to circular hollow section

Circular hollow sections

Fillet weld in lap joint

Fillet weld in angle plate joint