What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.1 for Steel

    Data webinar:

  • 2018-10-10T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)

Partecipa al webinar e scopri di più

  • New features in connection design (parametric templates, new code implementation, auto-checks of the model, …)
  • All the desktop/cloud applications for steel
  • BIM workflow improvements (code-check manager)


Martin Rolny
Martin Rolny Operations Director
IDEA StatiCa
Vit Hurcik
Vit Hurcik Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
From a huge amount of feedback and wishes we have got from users of IDEA StatiCa worldwide, we did our best to choose the most impactful to develop a new update of IDEA StatiCa 9.1

We are proud to present improvements in IDEA StatiCa version 9.1. We did our best to choose the most impactful improvements from the huge amount of feedback and requests we received from you.

Parametric templates were implemented so connection templates can adapt to various selections of the cross-sections. New automated checks for error-proof design were implemented. A Code-check Manager has been used to unify working with multiple connections from various FEA/CAD programs. This new application visualizes all exported connections, can recalculate them instantly, and also finds corresponding connections in the CAD and the FEA model to generate the IDEA StatiCa project with all the necessary information without manual input. IDEA StatiCa connection now also supports the Australian code (all analysis types, code checks, formulas, material, and cross-section databases).

Version 9.1 is another huge step forward in design effectivity for structural engineers and fabricators. Join our experienced Product Engineers and calculate yesterday’s estimates!

Webinar recording