Templates and sharing – more effective workflow of joint design

    Data webinar:

  • 2018-12-05T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)

Partecipa al webinar e scopri di più

  • How to use the right mouse button for design
  • Usage of the parametric templates
  • Sharing of the user-defined material and bolts
  • Tips and tricks for more effective design in IDEA StatiCa Connection


David Kucera
David Kucera Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Vit Hurcik
Vit Hurcik Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Join our new IDEA StatiCa Connection webinar where we are going to talk about templates, material library, and sharing of the user-defined data this time.

The possibilities of speeding up the joint design by using the templates will be discussed. We are going to show you how the complicated joints can be designed by simple parametric templates. In the webinar will be also shown how to share user-defined materials.


  • Theoretical intro – introduction to the templates, right mouse button
  • Set of three simple connections on one frame designed by templates
  • Material library workflow, the definition of user-defined material and data migration
  • Complicated joint design by parametric templates with 3D scene workflow

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