Structural optimization of a precast beam

    Data webinar:

  • 2019-10-29T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)

Partecipa al webinar e scopri di più

  • Finding the optimal geometry using haunched beam ends
  • Using Topology optimization to obtain the most realistic strut-and-tie model
  • Ideal positioning of openings on the beam to minimize self-weight
  • Overall calculation and check of the beam in IDEA StatiCa Detail
  • Comparison of the solutions using strut-and-tie analogy and CSFM


Orsolya Kartali
Orsolya Kartali Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Jan Valicek
Jan Valicek Country Manager CZ&SK
IDEA StatiCa
In the precast concrete industry, finding the optimal solution in terms of utilization of concrete and reinforcement is crucial. With the right geometry and the most efficient reinforcement layout, the engineers are able to save material, and thus an economic but safe design can be provided.

On the other hand, the process of manual optimization can be tedious and time-consuming and does not even make sense for every structure type – especially when the time of design is the governing factor. We are glad that the IDEA StatiCa Detail makes this grueling task easier and faster. On a project of a precast beam, which was provided to us by one of our users, we will show how to take advantage of the innovative CSFM (Compatible Stress Field Method) technology and make the most out of your time! In this project, the engineer combined the well known strut-and-tie method with CSFM to find the best and most economical solution.

We will show a practical project of a precast beam with openings from the company S-projekt plus, a.s. based in Zlín, Czech Republic.

More about the company can be found at:

Webinar Recording