Round-trip with IDEA StatiCa 23.1 and more...

    Data webinar:

  • 2023-12-06T17:00:00.0000000Z
    (nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)

Partecipa al webinar e scopri di più

  • IDEA StatiCa Connection and Detail interface redesigned 
  • SDS2 Link to IDEA StatiCa
  • Export connection model to IFC Format


Andrea Castelo
Andrea Castelo Product Engineer
David Eckrote
David Eckrote Director
Jason McNeil
Jason McNeil Regional Engineer
Join us for the last webinar of 2023 to learn about the latest developments on IDEA StatiCa which are included in V23.1.

During the one-hour session, we will review the following enhancements for the US market:

For steel, we did a lot in error-proofing and reporting – welds, load position, and detailing checks. IDEA StatiCa Member now has an input wizard and the ability to select rigid supports.

IDEA StatiCa Connection now generates IFC files, including all bolts, welds, and materials. Structural engineers can share connection designs with detailers easier than before. Our cloud app, Connection Library, the world's largest online database of steel connections, allows downloading and reusing connection files in the desktop app.

IDEA StatiCa Detail, our solution for the structural design of concrete walls and details, has undergone a complete user interface refactoring which includes new icons and ribbon, new modeling commands, better 3D visualization, and more reporting options, all of which make your work much faster.

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