How do the network licenses/seats work?

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IDEA StatiCa network license are based on the Eleckey licensing technology.

Each network license has its User ID (e.g. 1234567980) and appropriate activation key (e.g. C3D2-B1E7-7E8E-78D2-3811).

There can be only one network license activated on a server.

Within the network license there can be from 1 up to 100 seats.

A seat means how many users of the network license can work in IDEA StatiCa at the same time.

Having the most simple example - a network license with 1 seat means that 1 user can work in IDEA StatiCa and if at the same time another user in the office tries to open IDEA StatiCa using the same network license, the software doesn’t run and he gets a message that the maximum number of user has been reached.

Network license is a good solution for offices, where there is a server and more users of IDEA StatiCa.