Staged construction analysis of RC composite beam

    Webinárium dátuma:

  • 2022-10-05T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (helyi időzónában, 24 órás formátumban)

Csatlakozzon a webinárhoz, és ismerkedjen meg a

  • Modeling of reinforced concrete composite beams
  • How to create loads and combinations
  • Staged construction analysis and check
  • Interpretation of results


Kris Riemens
Kris Riemens Product engineer IDEA StatiCa
Rob Werckx
Rob Werckx Consultant
Klara Thiel
Klara Thiel Country manager
Precast concrete beams are often used in buildings to carry floor slabs. A special type of beam concerns a precast beam where stirrups are protruding on the topside such that in a later construction stage a cast-in-situ top layer can be added. This can give several advantages, but how to model it?

In this webinar you can learn how to model, design, and check RC composite beams taking into account staged construction.

Making the beam behave as a continuous composite beam

After the top layer of concrete has hardened the structure will act as a composite beam, this gives the advantage of increasing the stiffness and capacity of the beam.

Moreover, beams that initially behaved as separate simply supported beams can now be coupled together such that they will act as a continuous beam over multiple supports. The additional load coming from the floor slabs and variable load will then be carried in a more efficient way with lower field moments and the possibility to transfer negative moments at the supports.

If you want to see more of IDEA StatiCa Beam in action, there are many more recorded webinars to watch:

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Register for free and join the live webinar on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 11:00 CET (Prague time, UTC+1).