BIM – Design and code-check of beams created in SCIA Engineer

    Webinárium dátuma:

  • 2019-02-14T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (helyi időzónában, 24 órás formátumban)

Csatlakozzon a webinárhoz, és ismerkedjen meg a

  • How to export a global model from SCIA Engineer to IDEA StatiCa
  • How to reinforce and code-check B-region using RCS app
  • How to model an opening in dapped end beam
  • How to reinforce and analyze D-region of the beam using Detail app
  • Interpretation of results
  • CSFM method


Lukas Juricek
Lukas Juricek Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Petra Komarkova
Petra Komarkova IDEA StatiCa szakértő mérnök
Using BIM solution during the designing of a structure is the vision of the future. Many professions can participate in designing and building of the structure in the same model at one place.

We will focus on the design and code-check of the dapped end beams with an opening from a global model in SCIA Engineer. During the webinar, we will show you how to export the model from SCIA Engineer to IDEA StatiCa interface where the check of a cross-section of the beam in IDEA StatiCa Beam and RCS, together with designing of the reinforcement, will be performed. After that, we export the whole beam to IDEA StatiCa Detail, where the opening will be added. Then the discontinuities will be analyzed. Basically, we will show you how to design, reinforce and code-check a whole beam with openings in Detail application using the new CSFM (continuous stress field method) method during minutes.

Join our experienced Product Engineers and calculate yesterday’s estimates!

Webinar recording