Good CBFEM discussion to enhance structural workflows!

Ez a cikk a következő nyelveken is elérhető
On March 21, JD Engineering organized and hosted in Wrocław, Poland, over 80 participants of the first conference "Innovative look at detail design in steel constructions".

Preparations for the conference began with the invitation of Ph.D.'s from the Wrocław University of Technology to attend and lead lectures. Ph.D. Dariusz Czepiżak together with Ph.D. Rajmund Ignatowicz prepared a very interesting extensive lecture about a comparison of the steel connection check according to Eurocode 1993-1-8 and IDEA StatiCa.

A lot of computational examples and comparisons, specifying the differences between the two methods and a very positive, engineering Ph.D.’s approach to the subject of connections were what surely fell into the participants' memory. The second part of the conference was a lecture led by Ph.D. Maciej Kożuch and Ph.D. Piotr Kozioł concerning the analysis of the load capacity of steel fasteners in composite steel-concrete elements.

Conference participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest trends in the design of steel details, exchange experiences in the field of construction design, and build new industry relationships.

The event brought very positive feedback and we look forward to another conference, this time in Katowice in the middle of June!