Design and code check of a pylon and indirectly supported corbel

    Date de webinaire:

  • 2018-02-19T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (en votre temps local, format 24 heures)

Rejoignez le webinaire pour savoir plus de

  • How to check the non-standard parts of the structure according to Eurocode
  • Solution and code check of indirectly supported corbel
  • Design and code check of a pylon
  • How correctly input the patch supports to the model
  • General usage of IDEA StatiCa Detail


Lukas Juricek
Lukas Juricek Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Filip Adler
Filip Adler Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
The webinar will be dedicated to the code-check of a pylon and indirectly supported corbel which frequently appears on prefabricated structures.

Let us invite you to a new webinar focused on non-standard parts of the concrete structure. The webinar will be dedicated to the code check of a pylon and indirectly supported corbel which frequently appears on prefabricated structures.

IDEA StatiCa Detail enables design and code check of all parts of the structure which are known as D (discontinuity) regions. Typically known parts are dapped ends, holes, corbels, or support areas. The results of the analysis cover stresses and strains in concrete and reinforcement, bond stresses, etc. The results are clearly presented for a better understanding of the behavior.

Webinar recording