Connection Wednesdays – Features to correct steel joint design

    Date de webinaire:

  • 2020-01-29T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (en votre temps local, format 24 heures)

Rejoignez le webinaire pour savoir plus de

  • Using shear lug to get company/project positive check of bolts
  • Clamping connection
  • Fin plate connection with web strengthening plate
  • Difference between a member and a stiffening member


Jana Kaderova
Jana Kaderova Ingénieure produit
IDEA StatiCa
Alexander Szotkowski
Alexander Szotkowski Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa Connection is an easy-to-learn tool. Nevertheless, sometimes it is really useful to learn some “tricks” from more experienced users. Come and find out some hints to correctly design the steel joint.

In the first part of the webinar, we are going to show you some hints for the design of steel joints.

Our examples show how to use a shear lug instead of bolts, a workaround when using continuous clamping connection and a fin plate connection with a web strengthening plate.

In addition, we will go through one “HelpDesk highlight” – current vibrant topic from our support desk. This time, you will see something about the difference between a member and a stiffening member.

Webinar recording