User Portal – last time active, version tracking

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We continue to improve and develop the User Portal to make it more applicable for users, especially in the area of its monitoring and reporting capabilities.

One of the main purposes of the User Portal is to see clearly where and when potential issues with the license are happening on the user side. Also, to provide users and admins more control over the license and usage of the application

You can find the following data in the section License & Users in the User Portal:

All users, including admins

  • Last time active
  • User setting of the tickbox Keep products reserved
  • Used version 

Admins only

  • More information about usages and clashes – An admin is able to see the details of license clashes, especially the daily instances of clashes and also the users who were colliding.

We have also implemented measures (such as the proper release of licenses) to reduce clashing and licensing issues. 

Available for all editions of IDEA StatiCa.