Compressed Stiffeners in Structural Connections

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The effect of stiffener on a beam-to-column connection is investigated. It is proposed to use the reduced stress method for verification of gusset plate and haunch. The verification shows good results and will be validated on planned experiments of stiffeners with different types of support.

Stiffeners in connections are triangular or rectangular plates with different types of support (free edge, partially stiffened, clamped). Three typical beam-to-column connections with different reinforcement degrees are shown. Triangular stiffeners are used on the compression side of beam-to-column connections to increase the design resistance of the beam flange and web in compression. This paper is focused on the effect of the stiffener on connection resistance and stiffness and on the resistance of the stiffener according to boundary conditions.

The work was published in 2014 by Marta Kurejkova and František Wald from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Steel and Timber Structures. 

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