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66 résultats

Packing plate to merge different sizes of members

How to design a haunch

How to add inside or outside stiffener on the circular hollow member

Creating an U-shaped clip connection

Bearing Stiffeners (AISC)

Structural steel connection design for tensile rupture by advanced inelastic analysis (AISC)

Lateral-torsional restraint in structural design

Mesh generation error for a plate imported from DXF

Relative positions of members

Distance between plates connected by a contact

Bolts are too close to plate edge

Steel connection material model

Shell elements – benchmark studies

Web in transverse compression

Strength analysis of steel joints

Plate model and mesh convergence

Code-check of steel plates according to Canadian standards

Code-check of steel plates (AISC)

Single plate shear connection (AISC)

Fatigue analysis type in structural design

Comparison of IDEA StatiCa Connection to ANSYS