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112 resultados

Test translation – Tensile rupture

Test translation – Tensile rupture

Long Bolted and Welded Connections (AISC)

Block Shear Rupture in Bolted Connections (AISC)

Bearing Stiffeners (AISC)

Structural steel connection design for tensile rupture by advanced inelastic analysis (AISC)

Welded splice connection

Welded splice connection (AISC)

Welded beam to column moment connection

Simple welds LRFD (AISC)

Simple welds (ASD)

T-stub - prying forces

Splice connections of I-beam flanges (AISC)

Slip-critical connection (AISC)

Single plate shear connection (AISC)

Shear block resistance

Pipe – Shear lag connection in bracing

Flush moment end plate connections (AISC)

End plate shear connection

Eccentric loads on bolt groups

Coped beam