IDEA StatiCa Steel Training

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The IDEA StatiCa Steel training is a 1-day training where you will learn all the ins and outs of our steel package. Using examples you will learn:

  • Theoretical background of the software
  • Modeling based on operations
  • Common modeling errors
  • Analyzing results
  • Stiffness analysis
  • Buckling analysis
  • Preparation of a report
  • Stability of beams (Member application)

After the training you should be able to comfortably model and analyze complex nodes.

Who is the training for?

The training is for steel fabricators who are new users of the software or may already have some experience.

Course requirements

To attend the training you must bring your own laptop with the latest version of IDEA StatiCa installed on it.


750 € per person. We will send the invoice after completing the registration form.

Date and participants

The training lasts from 10:00 to 17:00, lunch is provided for all participants.


In case of questions do not hesitate to contact us at the following address

17. Sep 2024NLLeuvenBelgië
8. Oct 2024NLUtrechtNederland
17. Oct 2024ENHasseltBelgië
5. Nov 2024NLArnhemNederland
12. Nov 2024NLGentBelgië
3. Dec 2024NLRotterdamNederland
10. Dec 2024NLMechelenBelgië

Join us and register for the training