Artikel der Wissensdatenbank



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National code

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701 Ergebnis

Capacity design according to Canadian standards

Code-check of bolts and preloaded bolts according to Canadian standards

Singularities and error messages

Coupling Beams and IDEA StatiCa

Beam or column web with concentrated forces

General settings in Detail application

Complete code-check of anchors and concrete block with IDEA StatiCa

Check of anchor tension as a bolt tension option (AS)

SIA 262:2013 implemented in RCS and Beam


Detailing of bolts and welds according to Indian Standard

Code-check of welds according to Indian standards

Design check of plates according to Indian standard

Shear force transfer in base plate by friction and anchors

Shear in RCS - circular cross-sections

Import/export cross-section, reinforcement, and tendons in RCS

How to create a report according to your needs in RCS application

Buckling of gusset plates